VRC Junior Membership is a great opportunity for children between the ages of 12-17 years to meet other young people and make lifelong friends and learn about the racing industry.

Junior Membership offers young people a sense of belonging - they can enjoy the races and various social events in a safe environment that is alcohol and gambling free.

Elevation from VRC Junior Membership status to Young Membership will occur once the Junior Member has reached 18 years of age. No joining fee will be required on elevation (a saving of $726).

Membership Entitlements

  • Admission to the racecourse and Members Enclosure on all race days, including all four days of the Melbourne Cup Carnival.
  • 10% discount on all VRC Merchandise
  • Invitations to exclusive events and activations throughout the season

*VRC Junior Members must be accompanied by an adult when entering licensed venues; under-age gambling is illegal and will not be condoned or offered at events specifically staged for VRC Junior Members.

Membership Subscription Fee: $50


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