Yea, VIC

Yea, VIC

Yea is 109 km north-east of Melbourne via the Goulburn Valley and Melba Highways. It is 172 metres above sea-level. 

Yea is an attractive rural service centre set on the Yea River in a fertile valley which Hume and Hovell eulogised as "The soil produces an abundance of fine grass and both hills and lowlands are thinly covered with timber. It is our opinion that we have not seen a more agreeable and interesting country since leaving home." It has remained that way and today is notable for having one of the widest main streets anywhere in the country. It also lies at the heart of rich country notable for its dairy industry, sheep and cattle as well as fat lambs. The population of the town has remained at about 1,000 since 1901.  

Each year they conduct the Sister Oliver Hcp, named in honour of the 1921 Melbourne Cup winner.

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