In 1986, Australian Childhood Foundation was started by a small but passionate group of professionals and community advocates who wanted to fix major problems in child protection.
Australian Childhood Foundation became the body to give children, whose pain was unacknowledged, a voice to ensure their safety and care became a priority within the community. They exist to restore the true meaning of childhood and work with children, young people, families, carers and professionals who share their passion and hope for these children. Today, the Foundation’s focus has not wavered.
With Australian Childhood Foundation as VRC’s charity partner for 2022, the funds raised through Pin & Win helped change lives of children hurt from trauma through their National Trauma Recovery Program. The program supports children and young people through specialist care and extends support to the important people that form circles of care around them throughout Australia, including remote and regional areas.
Unfortunately there are over 480,000 reports of child abuse in Australia each year. More children and young people who are living with trauma than we, as a nation, can manage.
Children and young people don’t heal on their own. They need a network of adults and organisations focused on creating an environment dedicated to their recovery and healing from the trauma caused by abuse, neglect and family violence.